So you're looking for some quality lawn for your home or project!? Well, you have come to the right place! At Murray Turf we pride ourselves on quality turfgrass and service - no job too big or small. At Murray Turf we have a good reputation for the highest quality Sir Walter, Eureka Kikuyu, TifTuf Bermuda and Sir Grange turf with the highest quality service is everything.
For us, farming turf is a living and also gives us a chance to help create a more desirable and sustainable living through our specifically selected turf grasses.
The varieties that have been selected to farm here are the most suited to our climate. Our grass turfs cover all conditions like drought, high wear, shade, and frost. In particular, our TifTuf turf variety has an extreme drought tolerance once established and requires little to no water. That's' a big plus for our water resources and your home water bill.