Maintenance Levels for Different Grasses
When it comes to considering a new lawn type, there are many elements to consider such as shade-tolerance, resistance to wear, drought and the maintenance requirements; as some of these characteristics may not work for your circumstance.
A low mow lawn probably won't work with a high-wear area that includes pets and kids running around as the grass needs to have quick-recovery traits to be able to withstand the traffic and repair quicker and grow back.
Finding the best lawn for your lifestyle can mean making sacrifices. This may include the look and feel of your lawn that you want compared to other characteristics that are more important to you – like what the lawn might be used for. It's important to then browse the grass-types that are appropriate for your growing conditions and climate.

Soft-Leaf Buffalo
Buffalo turf, like zoysia's, are likewise exceptionally low maintenance turf varieties. They require less cutting than Kikuyu's and couches while requiring marginally less nitrogen. Premium sorts like Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo turf have an amazingly high shade resilience, incredible colour and soft leaf, settling on it is the most ideal decision for many modern landscaping situations.
TifTuf, a hybrid Bermuda grass has become the benchmark when it comes to measuring the drought tolerance of turf. Once correctly established, TifTuf displays low water demand, much less than cool-season varieties such as rye and fescue.
Not only can TifTuf look good in drought conditions and keep it's colour longer into winter, but it also greens up faster coming into spring, compared with some other common couch grasses. Another key benefit of TifTuf over cool-season grasses is its low maintenance; less fertiliser requirements, better weed resistance and wear resistance add up to an easy-care lawn year-round. TifTuf also self-repairs, unlike many cool-season varieties, which require patching or oversowing to fix bare areas.
Zoysia Matrella
Zoysia Matrella varieties such as Sir Grange are known to be very low in maintenance. This is mainly due to the very slow growth patterns. Many types of zoysia grasses can grow up to half as slow as couches and Kikuyu's, therefore resulting in significantly less mowing throughout the year. Zoysia Matrella's also requires minimal watering and has lower nitrogen requirements. Zoysia Matrella's like Sir Grange also has a great colour and very high shade tolerance.
Kikuyu is a thick, fast-developing grass that has an overwhelming development propensity permitting it to fix rapidly whenever harmed and can build up a solid, profound root base to assist it with facing the most blazing summer days. Kikuyu does well in full sun, doesn't deal with conceal such well and requires more cutting and upkeep than most sorts because of its speedy development.