Summer is over, Autumn is here the stress levels drop for you and your lawn as the days cool off at last some relief. Time for some autumn lawn care. Your grass has suffered through a very hot summer and is likely to need a boat, so now is the time to get in there while you still have some of the growing season left.
The idea is to get your lawn prepared for the cooler months where it will go into a certain level of dormancy. The better health your grass is going into winter the better it will do through the cooler months, and the better it will be going into spring.
During summer your family, friends and pets spend a lot more time enjoying your lawn. Combined with the sun and heat and extra traffic the soil can become quite compacted. This can slow down your growth going into winter so it's important you undertake some aeration to allow for oxygen, water and nutrients to penetrate to the roots of the turf.

Manage Shade
Coming into winter shade can be a problem. It would be good practice to trim back overgrown trees and hedges. Try to move objects like outdoor settings, dog kennels and kids toys etc to help reduce the shade.
Autumn fertilising is the most important one for the year. Being in the Albury Wodonga North East region we know its hot most of the year, but our winter is just as harsh. So fertilising now around easter time will encourage prolonged growth to ensure a thick coverage and extended colour. Apply a slow-release granular fertiliser we recommend Lawn Solutions Fertiliser.